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Bio-IT World Innovative Practices Awards

January 31 Final deadline
Entry Form

Celebrating Excellence in Innovation

Since 2003, Bio-IT World has been highlighting outstanding examples of technology innovation in the life sciences. The Bio-IT World Innovative Practices Awards program recognizes partnerships and projects pushing our industry forward, promoting strategies that can be widely shared and implemented across the industry to improve the quality, pace, and reach of our science.

In 2025, winners will be invited to present their solutions during the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, Boston, and will also be honored in a plenary session on Friday, April 4, 2025. 

The deadline for entry is January 31, 2025. The $300 application fee will be waived for entrants who meet the early submission deadline of December 31, 2024.  

Submitting your organization’s entry is straightforward:

  • Send us a brief overview of your technology, including a statement of the issue or problem at hand, the innovative approach or technology applied, and the ROI (Return on Investment) in terms of scientific insights, cost savings, productivity, etc. ( entry form and full details here)
  • Entries will be accepted until December 31early deadline; January 31 final deadline.
  • All entries will be judged by an expert panel.
  • Winners will be announced in a plenary session at Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, Boston, April 2-4, 2025, and winning projects will be invited to present their work during the Conference.
  • Winners will be featured on